Maybe you are one of those who think that doing 50 sets for each muscle group is the best kept secret of successful bodybuilders. If this is your case, we invite you to read this new entry.
Don't get us wrong, we love that you take the gym seriously, and if we are already present in your daily supplementation, all the better. Speaking of this, stop by the website and take a look, we are uploading new products that you probably don't know about.
Not now, then, first finish reading this blog, eagerly.
More is not better, better is better.
The problem appears when you give a volume and intensity to your workouts above your needs. To do this, let's get technical for a few moments:
- There is a term that is the MV (Minimum Volume) , that is, the minimum work you need for your muscles to go for a walk (with what it cost you to achieve it).
- On the other hand, we have the MEV (Minimum Effective Volume) , that is, the minimum amount of work to generate profits and adaptations.
- Then there would be the MAV (Maximum Adaptive Volume) or the job where the maximum profits are generated.
- Lastly, the MRV (Maximum Recoverable Volume) or maximum work you can handle.

If in your case you are focused on gaining more muscle, common sense will tell you that your training volume should be between the MEV and the MRV, and more specifically, close to the MAV. Remember that each one, depending on their individualities, has these parameters placed in a different position.