Provides high quality ingredients that offer fast, effective and total muscle recovery. Combines rapidly absorbing amylopectin (Vitargo ® ) along with IsoPro whey protein isolate. This combination is the perfect mix that provides the appropriate proportions of nutrients to achieve correct muscle recovery, replenishment of glycogen stores and promote maximum muscle anabolism. Enriched with Kre-Alkalyn ® creatine, β-alanine and amino acids (BCAA's, L-glutamine and aspartic acid).
· 53g of Vitargo ® ·
· 40g of protein ·
· 4.9g of L-glutamine (Kyowa™Quality) ·
· 4.9g of BCAA's per dose.
· 2g of Kre-Alkalyn ® ·
Nutritional information may vary depending on flavor